Facebook Data Engineer Interview Guide

Facebook Data Engineer Interview Guide

Stepping into a Facebook data engineer interview can be a defining moment in your career. It’s a process that calls for more than technical knowledge — it’s about showcasing your problem-solving prowess and your fit within a culture that’s constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. This article is written to give you a clear understanding of what Facebook looks for in its data engineers, from the technical chops to the soft skills that complement their team.

We’ll design a guide for your interview prep, detailing the specific skills you’ll need to demonstrate and the types of questions you’re likely to encounter. With practical tips and insights, you’ll learn how to present your experience and expertise confidently, making a strong impression on the interviewers.

Whether you’re just breaking into the field or looking to take your data engineering career to the next level, this article will prepare you to face a Facebook interview head-on. Let’s get started.


Facebook’s Interview Process for Data Engineers

Navigating the interview process at Facebook for a data engineering position is a multi-stage journey that tests a candidate’s technical abilities and cultural fit.

Initial Screening – The first encounter is usually a screening call with a recruiter. This is where you discuss your background, your interest in Facebook, and your understanding of the data engineer role. It’s as much about making a personal connection as it is about confirming the basic qualifications on your resume.

Technical Screenings – If the screening goes well, you’ll move on to the technical interviews. These are often conducted over the phone or through a video call and involve solving technical problems in real-time. You can expect questions that assess your coding skills, usually in a language of your choice, and your ability to apply algorithms and data structures to solve complex problems.

Coding test – The coding test is designed to evaluate your proficiency in writing clean, efficient code. It might be on a platform like HackerRank or conducted live with an interviewer. You’ll be expected to write code that not only works but is also optimized for performance.

Onsite Interviews – the onsite interview loop is an intense day that typically includes multiple interview sessions. These are a mix of:

  • System Design Interviews: You’ll be asked to design a system or architecture, which tests your understanding of how different components of a data infrastructure interact with each other and how to scale systems effectively.
  • Behavioral Assessments: These sessions assess how well you align with Facebook’s core values and culture. Expect questions about past experiences that demonstrate your ability to work in a team, lead, and navigate through challenging situations.

Final Interview – the final interview could be with a senior member of the engineering team or a hiring manager. This stage might revisit technical questions but often focuses on assessing whether you’re a holistic fit for the team and the company culture.

Throughout each stage, Facebook is looking for evidence of problem-solving skills, coding ability, system design expertise, and a collaborative spirit. The process is comprehensive, but it ensures that those who join the ranks are well-equipped to contribute to Facebook’s innovative and fast-paced environment.

Technical Interview Preparation

When gearing up for a technical interview, particularly for a company like Facebook, it’s essential to have a strong command over a range of key subjects.


Solid proficiency in SQL is non-negotiable. You should be comfortable with complex queries, data aggregation, and optimization techniques. DE Academy SQL Data Engineer Interview courses provide a deep dive into these topics, ensuring that you can navigate any data manipulation challenge with ease.


Python remains a favorite for data engineering tasks. Python Data Engineer Interview courses cover everything from basic syntax to advanced data structures, helping you write efficient, clean, and effective code.

Data Modeling

Understanding how to structure and store data is crucial. With Data Modeling courses, you’ll learn how to design databases that are both robust and scalable.

System Design

For system design interviews, you’ll need to articulate how you would architect a large-scale data system. System Design courses will equip you with principles and best practices for creating scalable, reliable systems.

Cloud Services

With cloud services becoming ubiquitous, knowledge in this area is a must. DE Academy offers courses on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which can help you understand the nuances of cloud-based data engineering.

Examples of Potential Technical Interview Questions:

  • How would you design a database for a social media platform like Facebook?

  • Write a Python function that finds the top three most frequent elements in a list.

  • Describe a time you optimized a slow SQL query.

  • How would you handle versioning in a data warehouse?

  • Explain a situation where you would use a non-relational over a relational database.

  • Design a system that can process and analyze real-time streaming data.

Additional Resources

In addition to the robust selection of courses designed to sharpen your technical skills, DE Academy offers an unparalleled coaching program that can significantly elevate your interview preparation process. Our coaching program is tailored to provide you with one-on-one guidance from industry experts who have firsthand experience navigating the data engineering landscape at top tech companies.

DE Academy Coaching Program:

  • Receive individualized support and mentorship from experienced data engineers, allowing you to address specific areas of improvement and refine your approach to both technical and behavioral interview questions.

  • Practice with real-life interview scenarios through mock interviews conducted by professionals. This invaluable experience helps demystify the interview process and builds your confidence.

  • Beyond technical skills, our coaching program includes sessions on resume building, LinkedIn optimization, and effective job search strategies to ensure you present yourself as a strong candidate.

  • From the day you start your preparation until you land your job, our coaches are there to guide you, providing feedback, encouragement, and insights to keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

Read the article: Expert Data Engineer Coaching For Interview Preparation.

Behavioral Interview Focus

Overview of the skills and cultural fit aspects assessed during the interview, aligned with Facebook’s values and work culture.
Examples of behavioral questions and tips for formulating strong, impactful answers that demonstrate collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation.

Preparing for System Design Interviews

These questions are designed to delve into your past experiences to predict future behavior, collaboration skills, problem-solving abilities, and capacity for innovation. some examples of behavioral questions you might encounter and strategies for crafting responses that leave a lasting impression:

  • Describe a time when you had to collaborate with a team that had differing opinions. How did you ensure a successful outcome?

  • Tell me about a challenging project you worked on. What obstacles did you face, and how did you overcome them?

  • Can you provide an example of a time when you innovated on a project? What was the result of your innovation?

  • Share an instance where you had to make a critical decision under tight deadlines. How did you approach the situation?

  • Explain a situation where you had to learn a new technology or skill quickly to complete a project. How did you manage the learning process?

Tips for Formulating Strong Answers:

  1. Structure your responses using the Situation, Task, Action, Result (STAR) format. Start by setting the context (Situation), explain what was required of you (Task), describe what you did (Action), and conclude with the outcome (Result).
  1. Provide concrete examples from your past experiences. Vague answers make it hard for interviewers to gauge your capabilities. Specific stories are more memorable and illustrate your skills effectively.
  1. While it’s important to highlight teamwork, ensure your contribution to the project or challenge is clear. Interviewers want to understand your + impact.
  1. Employers value candidates who can learn from their experiences. Where applicable, share what you learned from the situation and how it influenced your subsequent actions or decisions.
  1. Data engineering isn’t just about technical prowess; soft skills like communication, leadership, and adaptability are equally important. Tailor your stories to showcase these competencies.
  1. Behavioral questions can cover a wide range of topics. Prepare stories that highlight different aspects of your professional personality, from resilience and creativity to leadership and collaboration.